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Showing posts from 2020

Software Update Management- SCCM 2012

The below post explains the end to end process of software updates management in SCCM 2012 Pre-requisites: 1.  WSUS Server (WSUS 3.0 SP2 ) should be installed on the SCCM site server or if you want to install WSUS on another server, it is important that you install WSUS administration console as the SCCM Server uses API. This  link explains the step by step procedure to install WSUS 3.0 SP2 2. Install SUP-Software Update Point on the SCCM Server . 3. Reporting Services Point: Install reporting services point role as described in this link . 4. Client agent: The software update client agent should be enabled(will be enabled by default) and the settings have to specified as per the requirement. On SCCM console, go to Administration>Site Configuration>Client settings>Right click on Default client settings> Click on Properties. If required, we can create custom client settings and then enable client settings for that settings. Unde

Get-ADUserMembership --- Retrieves friendly group names of a given AD user

Import-Module ActiveDirectory Function Get-ADUserMembership { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves friendly group names of a given AD user. .DESCRIPTION It retrieves the group membership of the user AND helps in scenarios where you just need the group names without distinguished name to send the output as input to other functions or scripts. .PARAMETER name Name of the Active Directory user to query .NOTES Name: Get-ADUserMembership Author: Santhosh Durgam Email : DateCreated: 8th August 2019 .EXAMPLE Get-ADUserMembership -User "sccmadmin" Description ----------- It returns the friendly names of the groups to which the queried user belongs to. #> [ cmdletbinding ( ) ] param ( [ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , position = 0 ) ] [string] $User ) begin