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Showing posts from October, 2012

Software Update Management- SCCM 2012

The below post explains the end to end process of software updates management in SCCM 2012 Pre-requisites: 1.  WSUS Server (WSUS 3.0 SP2 ) should be installed on the SCCM site server or if you want to install WSUS on another server, it is important that you install WSUS administration console as the SCCM Server uses API. This  link explains the step by step procedure to install WSUS 3.0 SP2 2. Install SUP-Software Update Point on the SCCM Server . 3. Reporting Services Point: Install reporting services point role as described in this link . 4. Client agent: The software update client agent should be enabled(will be enabled by default) and the settings have to specified as per the requirement. On SCCM console, go to Administration>Site Configuration>Client settings>Right click on Default client settings> Click on Properties. If required, we can create custom client settings and then enable client settings for that settings. Unde

Hierarchy Maintenance Tool-Preinst

After the installation of Child Primary or child secondary , sometimes there will be issues with the key exchange( the newly installed site will not appear as “active” in the console) and we have to manually exchange the keys between the sites. Here we have to use Preinst.exe hierarchy tool to exchange keys : 1. Go to the child site, run preinst.exe with the command line argument /keyforparent Ex : preinst.exe /keyforparent 2. The /keyforparent option places the public key of the site in the file <site code>.CT4 at the root of the program files drive. After the preinst.exe /keyforparent is run , copy the <site code>.CT4 to the parent site’s \Inboxes\ folder (not\pubkey) 3. On primary site, run preinst with the argument /keyforchild 4.The /keyforchild option places the public key in the file <site code>.CT5 at the root of the program files drive. You have to copy this file to the child site’s \Inboxes\ folder (not hman